Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Recomendation of an English Teacher Free Essays
string(37) " announced during the academic year\." ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND036 ADVANCED PLA CEMENT COMPOSITION 5 CREDITS GRADE 11 Prerequisites: Recommendation of an English teacher and a timed writing sample. Upon commitment to the course, students will complete an intensive summer AP preparation project. It is mandatory to take the AP Language and Composition Examination when it is offered in order to receive AP course credit for work done during this academic year. We will write a custom essay sample on Recomendation of an English Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students who do not take the AP examination will receive level 1 credit. This course takes the place of a regularly scheduled grade 11 English course. The following is a portion of the official course description for English Language and Composition effective 2010, found in the Acorn Booklet and on the AP Central Website [http://apcentral. collegeboard. com/apc/public/repository/ap-english-course-description. pdf]: An AP course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writerââ¬â¢s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. The goals of an AP English Language and Composition course are diverse because the college composition course is one of the most varied in the curriculum. Although the college course provides students with opportunities to write about a variety of subjects from a variety of disciplines and to demonstrate an awareness of audience and purpose, the overarching objective in most first-year writing courses is to enable students to write effectively and confidently in their college courses across the curriculum and in their professional and personal lives. Most composition courses emphasize the expository, analytical and argumentative writing that forms the basis of academic and professional communication, as well as the personal and reflective writing that fosters the development of writing facility in any context. In addition, most composition courses teach students that the expository, analytical and argumentative writing they must do in college is based on reading as well as on personal experience and observation. Composition courses, therefore, teach students to read primary and secondary sources carefully, to synthesize material from these texts in their own compositions, and to cite sources using conventions recommended by professional organizations such as the Modern Language Association (MLA), the University of Chicago Press (The Chicago Manual of Style), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Council of Biology Editors (CBE). As in the college course, the purpose of the AP English Language and Composition course is to enable students to read complex texts with understanding and to write prose of sufficient richness and complexity to communicate effectively with mature readers. An AP English Language and Composition course should help students move beyond such programmatic responses as the five-paragraph essay that provides an introduction with a thesis and three reasons, body paragraphs on each reason, and a conclusion that restates the thesis. Although such formulaic approaches may provide minimal organization, they often encourage unnecessary repetition and fail to engage the reader. Students should be encouraged to place their emphasis on content, purpose and audience and to allow this focus to guide the organization of their writing, (The College Board, p. 7). Textbooks: Texts will be supplied by AHS. Shea, Renee H. , Lawrence Scanlon, and Robin Dissin Aufses. The Language of Composition. Bedford/ St. Martinââ¬â¢s, Boston, 2008. Marking Period |Part One |Part Two | |Quarter One |Orwell, G. Animal Farm (1946) |Salinger, J. D. Catcher in the Rye (1946) | | |Thoreau, H. D. Civil Disobedience (1849) |Thoreau, H. D. Where I Lived, and What I Lived Forâ⬠(1854) | |Quarter Two |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent (1961) |Miller, A. The Crucible (1952) | | | |Hawthorne, N. The Scarlet Letter (1850) | |Quarter Three |Shelly, M. Frankenstein (1831) |Fitzgerald, F. S. Great Gatsby | | |Huxley, A. Brave New World (1932) |Selected Memoirs | |Quarter Four |Student Speeches |Student Speeches | On-line materials: Students will read newspaper and magazine features regularly to apply course concepts in discussion, readerââ¬â¢s log, and writing assignments. Since all columns are available free on line, school will provide access to materials on computers in the school library, computer labs and classrooms during and after school. The sites include: On-line materials will be |Feature/Column |URL |Purpose and Practice | |discussed weekly, | | | | |on Tuesday, | | | | |using notes and/or print | | | | |copies | | | | | |The Writerââ¬â¢s Almanac |www. thewritersalmanac. publicradio. org |Develop writerly knowledge base | | |Headlinespot |www. headlinespot. om |State news | | |A Word a Day |www. wordsmith. org/awad/ |Vocabulary and etymology | | |Daily Infographic |www. dailyinfographic. com |Analysis of complex graphics | Grading policy: Grades will be determined by on-demand multiple draft compositions, blog entries, teacher observations, and student self-evaluations. Ru brics and scoring guides are posted on the teacher webpage. Academic Topics and Expectations = 90% |Performance Topics | | |and Expectations = 10% | |Terminology |Appropriate use of literary terms in analytical writing |Preparation for class performance | |Thesis |Precise identification of thesis in reading/ |Participation in class activities | | |Logical development of thesis in writing | | |Detail |Location of essential detail in reading/ Prompt submission of homework | | |Inclusion of organization of essential detail in writing | | |Style |Recognition and explication of writersââ¬â¢ choices |Cooperation in group work | | |Making effective choices as a writer | | |Response |Efficient, explicit and insightful response to all writing prompts |Sustained writing improvement | |to Prompt | | | |Grammar |Consistent application of rules for punctuation, spelling, syntax and usage. Sophistication of spoken vocabulary | |Mechanics | | | |Revision |Aggressive and responsibl e approach to improvement of writing over multiple drafts and within on-demand tasks |Sophistication of written vocabulary | |Editing | | | ? Regularly save all word-processed work to a CD or flash drive and student account on the network. ? Multiple draft compositions may be submitted via email attachment. ? Multiple draft compositions may be scored using track changes, archived and returned to the student. Timed writing will be kept in a classroom folder as source material for reflective evaluation each marking period. ? Classes will be conducted according to the policies in English Department Handbook and the Student Handbook; both are available on the network. Suggested Materials: Students will bring notes, handouts, and texts distributed within a marking period as well as note-taking materials. Assignment Posting: Assignments and handouts will be posted on the teacher webpage and/or the class blog. Writing Opportunities: Studentsââ¬â¢ Write to Be Heard, Voice of Democracy, Kidsââ¬â¢ Philosophy Slam, Letters about Literature, Greenwave Gazette, Student Arts Magazine, Very Open Mic Nights, and Wordmasterââ¬â¢s competition will be announced during the academic year. You read "Recomendation of an English Teacher" in category "Essay examples" AP Language |Assignment |Purpose |Summer tasks |School Year Tasks |Point Value | |Summer Projects | | | | | | |[pic] |Sign up for a Gmail account. |Promote communication |Check your email at least once a |Email assignments via |Noneââ¬âhaving the email is | | |Address should be a combination of first initial, last | |week for updates |attachment |necessary for participating in| | |name and AP | | | |the class blog. |[pic] |Subscribe to |Develop vocabulary |Select the best word week of the |Bring your essay to the first | | | |Wordsmith. org/awad/subscribe. html | |summer. Write a brief expository |class. |Pass/ Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |essay using those words. |Please word process and save |Participation | | | | | |your document | | |[pic] |Visit headlinespot. om and follow the news of your |Develop an American perspective|Browse the stateââ¬â¢s news and learn|Post to the class blog sharing | | | |assigned state through its news publications. |other than Abington, MA |what is important to people who |your sense of what is important|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |live there. |in this state. |Participation | | |Email Dr. G. your state ASAP! | | | | | | |See Randy Pauschââ¬â¢s lecture, ââ¬Å"Realizing My Childhood |Be inspired! Write a first draft of your first|Bring your lecture to the first|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | |[pic] |Dreamsâ⬠also called ââ¬Å"The Last Lecture. â⬠|Then, use his lecture as a |lecture, to be edited all year |class. |Participation | | | |model for your first lecture |long, and delivered as your final|Please word process and save |Revised in Sept. for a writing| | | | |exam. |your document at home. grade | | | | | | |MCAS | | | | | | |Rubric: 100 pts. | |[pic] |Begin a readerââ¬â¢s log or response journal |Practice interacting with a |As often as you read, respond. |Bring to first class. |Pass/Fail: 100 points | | |text | |Use on in-class writing |Participation | | | | | |assessments. | | |[pic] |Read The Dark Tide (Puleo) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class writing during the | | | |argument. |Post on the class blog. |Should anyone be held |first marking period. | | | |Use readerââ¬â¢s log. | |accountable when accidents |AP Rubric:100 pts. | | | | |happen? | | |[pic] |Read Flyboys (Bradley) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class discussion and | | | |argument. |Post on the class blog. |How is keeping secrets |writing during the first | | | |Use readerââ¬â¢s log. | |justified during war time? |marking period. | | | | | |AP Rubric:100 pts. | Typical Day: The usual class period is 47 minutes long. Usage of class time may vary, but most often follows these sections: |1-8 minutes |Writersââ¬â¢ Almanac, Word of the Day, Daily Infographic | | |Individual review and preparation of notes, readings or assignments for class and/or | | |Small group review of notes, readings, topics for discussion or assignments. |9-42 minutes |Lectures, individual practice, small group work, discussion, or QA to process readings or practice skill application. | | |Peer editing and revision may occur here. This section expanded for all on-demand writing practice. | |43-47 minutes |Summarizing class, homework announcements: teacher webpage and/or class blog. | | |Be the Change Daily Challenge or AWAD Thought of the Day | Typical Week: Although our schedule may flex around holidays and special school events, the typical weekly plan is: |Monday |Review, in-class writing, on demand writing, peer review, teacher conferencing, in class editing revision. |Tuesday |On-line feature discussion days, focused on topics closest to instructional topics OR most provocative topics. | |Wednesday |Text reading due date, introduction to new topics, processing readings in small groups or through lecture QA. | |Thursday |Practice and processing texts or reading in whole class, small group jigsaw or independent exercises. | |Friday |Continued practice and processing, discussions, presentations of individual or group work to class. | Typical Marking Period: Academic year is divided into 4 quarters, each halfway point marked by a formal report: Quarter, Part One |Quarter, Part Two | |Argument /Language topic |Language/ Argument topic | |Literature connection, model analysis |Researched Argument or Multi-Draft Essay | |Synthesizing weekly news/magazine features |Synthesizing weekly news/magazine features | |Researched Argument or Multi-draft Essay, directed revision activities |On Demand Writing/ Multiple Choice practice | |On Demand Writing/Multiple Choice practice |Final Speech revision | |Self evaluation, class participation |Self evaluation, writing portfoli o | |Progress report |Report card | Exams: Midterm and final exams will be given and are 90 minutes in length. |Midterm Exam |Final exam | |Exam practice; one multiple-choice section and two essays given in an AP format. Grade will be a |Presentation of speeches written for summer reading assignment and revised during the course of the year. |combination of scores weighted similarly to the AP exam. |Grade will represent revision of the text of the speech as well as delivery. | Quarter One, Part One: Reading to appreciate writersââ¬â¢ choices: Genre, organization, and diction |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How can we use Language of Composition to |Shea et al. |Independent reading |Summer Reading Assessments listed on table, p. 4 | |approach to reading and writing? |Ch. An Introduction to Rhetoric |Small group discussion |syllabus | | | |Applying summer reading and readersââ¬â¢ logs in discussion | | | |Rhetorical Model |Note-taking templates | And | | |Ethos, Pathos, and Logos |SOAP Acronym |Timed Writing Baseline Samples | | |Patterns of Development | | | |Assign Orwell, ââ¬Å"Politics and the English Languageâ⬠( 529-538) and Thoreau, ââ¬Å" On the Duty of Civil Disobedienceâ⬠(939-956) | |How do readers and writers use a common |Shea et al. |Shea et al. |Word Study Presentation | |vocabulary? |Ch. 2 Close reading |Orwell (539-40) |Individual/Group Options | | |Style |Questions for Discussion |Each selects a word from a passage or a favorite | |What does it mean to appreciate ââ¬Å"word choiceâ⬠? Note Taking Annotation |Questions on Rhetoric Style |word; | | |Glossary |Thoreau (956) |Identify related forms and synonyms; | |How can a writer use denotation and connotation |Orwell, ââ¬Å"Politics and the English Language,â⬠|Exploring the Text |Explain denotation, etymology and connotation. | |to communicate clearly? |(529-538) |Exploration of language resources. | | |Thoreau, ââ¬Å" On the Dut y of Civil Disobedience,â⬠|Tone Vocabulary Handout | | | |(939-56) | | | | | | | | |Assign Orwell, Animal Farm | |How does synthesizing various viewpoints bring |Shea et al. |Analysis of point of view/bias in |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference | |us to a personal statement about an issue? |Ch. Synthesizing Sources |Katrina Op-Eds: NYT 2007 | | | |Ch. 1Princess Diana, 28-34 | |How should we respond to communities who suffer | | | |Rice, A. ââ¬Å"What it means to lose New Orleansâ⬠|disasters? | | |Puleo, The Dark Tide |Geraghty, J. ââ¬Å"We failed you? Try again. | | | |Bradley, Flyboys |Sebold, A. ââ¬Å"Living with the Deadâ⬠| | | | | | | | | |Timed Writing Item : Synthesis Based Question | | |How is a speech different from other texts? |Lunsford et al. Analysis of text for evidence of subject, occasion, audience, |Speech Revision | | |Ch. 17 Spoken Arguments |purpose and elements of oratory and signal Words | | | |Speeches from Summer reading |Compare and contrast written and spoken texts. |Include specific oratorical strategies in your | | |Speeches by Dr. Randy Pausch | |speech. | | |Lou Gehrig and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | | Quarter One, Part Two: Reading between the lines (and into pictures) for implicit theses |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does satire work as a strategy in social |New Yorker ââ¬Å"Shouts and Murmursâ⬠essays |Discuss satire as a strategy, distinguishing distortion of |Timed Writing Practice | |commentary? |Shea et al. 924-920) |message, importance of tone | | | |Swift, ââ¬Å"The Modest Proposalâ⬠|Swift (920-1) |Analysis of rhetorical strategies in satirical | | |Questions for Discussion |Analyze for subject, occasion, audience, purpose, style and |writing | | |Questions on Rhetoric Style |tone | | | | |SOAPSTONE | | |How does a reader decode allegory? |Orwell, G. Animal Farm |Discuss representation in allegory, examining use of indir ect |Creative Writing: Group option | | |Twain War Prayer |appeal. |Select an issue or event of personal, local, national| | | |Review language of political systems. |or global importance. | | |View Animal Farm (TV 1999) |ââ¬Å"Shouts and Murmursâ⬠essay | | | | |Satirical editorial or | | | | |Allegory | |Assign Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye; Thoreau, Where I Lived, and What I Lived For | |How can we describe a speaker by analyzing |Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye |Analysis of diction for effect in creating character and voice,|Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |language patterns? | |especially, age, education, income, geographical location and |Identify the language pattern of Holden Caulfield; | | |Student selected passages from first person |tone |compare and contrast with the language of another | | |young adult short stories and novels | |literary character. | | |Review of model student papers |Option: Write chapter 27 or an ââ¬Å"inter-chapterâ⬠in | | | | |Holdenââ¬â¢s voice | |How can a visual become an argument? |Shea et al. (49-50) |Find 3-5 editorial cartoons on one subject OR ads on a product,|Speech Revision: | |How can a visual assist or confuse the reader of|Reading at Risk (147-9) |service or message; |Create a visual illustration or summary of your | |an argument? |Visual Rhetoric (891-893) |Compare and contrast how artists portray ideas. |argument. | | |Editorial Cartoons from Headlinespot. om |Discuss how a visual assists or confuses the reader of an | | | |Print advertising |argument. | | | |Daily Infographic | | | |Assign King, ââ¬Å"Letter from Birmingham Jailâ⬠(260-274) and Assign Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter | |How does a writer explain the belief that |Shea et al. |Close reading and annotation |Timed Writing Practice | |motivates action? Thoreau, ââ¬Å"Where I Livedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ |Analyze anticipation of criticism and concession |Excerpt (Swift, Orwell, Thoreau or MLK) | | |MLK ââ¬Å"Letter from Birmingham Jailâ⬠|Focus on SOAPSTONE |Defend/Challenge /Qualify | Quarter Two, Part One: Exploring issues of academic and personal integrity |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do readers recognize stereotypes? |Shea et al. Discuss stereotypes of gender, language or culture in the |Mock Trial | | |Readings will be selected from one of the |me dia: in television: reality shows, sitcoms, and crime shows |Discuss claims made by the author about characters | |How do writers employ stereotypes? |following chapters: |Select a single media segment and identify its dependence on |and claims characters make about each other. | |How does a reader evaluate the judgment of the |Ch. 7 Gender (347) |stereotypes or rebellion against stereotypes by showing a |Which character in Scarlet Letter is the greatest | |community? |Ch. Language (507) |clip(s), OR |sinner? | | |Ch. 11 Popular Culture (707) |Select a stereotype and present clips from multiple media |Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth or the community | | | |outlets | | |Assign Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |To Wikipedia or Not . . . that is the Question. |Shea et al. |In groups, select a topic. One Draft/ self-edit | | |Ch. 3 Synthesizing Sources (61) |Compare and contrast all features of Wikipedia and other |Use what you know about assessing and using sources | | |Ch. 6 Synthesis: Incorporating sources into a |available sources. |to develop a personal statement about Wikipedia | | |revision (335) | |usage. | | |www. wikipedia. rg | | | |How does a reader use citations to understand a |Lunsford et al. |Review the necessity of crediting completely all sources by |One Draft/ In class | |text? |Ch. 20 Intellectual Property, Academic |using a citation system: MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. |Select an actual or literary dilemma involving | |How does a writer document sources [MLA, APA, |Integrity, and Avoiding Plagiarism; |Discuss academic integrity issues in our school and the Code of|academic or personal integrity. |Chicago] ? |Ch. 22 Documenting Sources; |Conduct policy. |Explore the options for action. | |How does a community of readers and writers |Gibson Primetime report: Cheating in Americaââ¬â¢s |Research a scandal involving cheating, plagiarism or other |Compare and contrast your response with that of the | |preserve academic integrity and protec t |schools (2004); |academic integrity issues. |actor in the situation | |intellectual property? |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent |Evaluate integrity and plagiarism issues in Steinbeckââ¬â¢s novel. | | | | |SPEECH REVISION: | | | | |Evaluate and document all sources in your speech or | | | | |visuals. |Assign Miller, The Crucible | |How does a reviewer persuade the reader to see |Film Review Archive |Analyze of reviews to identify New Yorker film reviews as a |Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |(or avoid) a film? |New Yorker On-Line |genre. |Read several reviews of The Crucible (1996). | | |Critics Corner |Distinguish between the styles Denby and Lane reviews, esp. |Review The Crucible. | | | |diction and syntax. Employ strategies and style to persuade an audience | | | | |to accept or reject your judgment of the film. | | | |View The Crucible (1996) | | Quarter Two, Part Two: Where science and argument intersect (at logos, pathos and ethos) |Concept/Skill |Content |Pra ctice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a reader identify and understand Logos |Shea et al. Review newspapers for features and editorials in science. |Multi-draft/peer edit | |in science and technology writing? |Huxley The Method of Scientific investigation ( |How do various cities and states respond to a science issue? |Identify science issues in your state. | | |609) |Review logical appeals and fallacies. |Compare and contrast the state view on a science | |How does a writer employ appeals to Logos? |Pinker The Blank Slate (630) | |issue with your view and the national view. | |Sagan The Cosmic Calendar (671) | | | | |Gould Womenââ¬â¢s Brains (349) | | | |Assign Shelley, Frankenstein | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Analysis of slogans, public service announcement [PSAs], sales |Ad analysis | |appeals to Pathos in science and technology |Eiseley The Bird and the Machine (601) |pitches and maxims |Contribute a full-page to the classroom Gallery of | |writing? |Bronoski The Reach of Imagination (616) | |Emotional Appeals. | |How does a writer employ appeals to Pathos? Csikszentmihalyi The Future of Happiness (623) | |Identify the elements of the appeal. | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Examination of the thesis as a call to action, whether implicit|Speech Writing: The Introduction | |appeals to Ethos in science and technology |Royte Transsexual Frogs (655) |or explicit. |Read a science article on a controversy or debate. | |writing? |Carson from Silent Spring (798) |Discussion: What should we do as a result of reading science |Write an introduction for the advocate of a | |How does a writer employ appeals to Ethos? |Various, Focus on Climate Change (862) |writing? particular point of view that prepares an audience | |Assign Huxley, Brave New World | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Investigate the current status of genetic technology |On Demand Writing Practice | |complex ap peals in science writing? |Various, The Ethics of Genetic Technology (678) | |Synthesis based science question | |How does a writer employ complex appeals in | |Note how science writers are introduced in texts | | |science? | | | | | | |SPEECH REVISION | | | | |Fact check your speech | | | | |Write an introduction: classmate. |How do science fiction writers employ complex |Shelley Frankenstein |Identify theme and supporting appeals in a science fiction |Multi-draft/teacher conference | |appeals to persuade an audience to think, feel, |Huxley Brave New World |film, TV, short story or novel. |Science (dystopic) Fiction | |or act? |Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 |Focus on predictions and projections. |Review an imaginative text and its success as an | | |Aldiss ââ¬Å"Super-toys Last All Summer Longâ⬠(665) |Discuss impact on audience. |appeal on an issue. | |Vonnegut ââ¬Å"Harrison Bergeronâ⬠| |Support with evidence from text and context. | Quarter Three, Part One: Defini ng roles and responsibilities in the world of work |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers use language to define work and |Ehrenreich From Serving in Florida (179) |Investigate current and future job trends. One Draft/self-edit | |careers? |Dillard The Writing Life (212) |Read newspapers for employment trends in your state. |Describe your dream job. | | |Friedman, From The World is Flat |Discuss the words of work: career, vocation, job, retail, |Visit Bureau of Labor Statistics for Job descriptions| | |Terkel, From Working |profession, minimum wage, salary, commission, union, resume, |and requirements. | | | |class etc. Visit job listings in print and on-line. | | | | | | |Assign Miller, Death of a Salesman | |What is the purpose of work? |Goodman, In Praise of a Snailââ¬â¢s Pace (221) |What obligation does one have to provide for oneself and oneââ¬â¢s |On Demand Writing | |How does work define a person? |Olsen I Stand Here Ironing (224) |family? Goodman, ââ¬Å"Company Manâ⬠| | |Auden,ââ¬Å"The Unknown Citizenâ⬠| | | | |Conversations: Focus on Working Parents (235) | | | | | | |Editorial/ One draft | | | | |Should one parent stay at home to be the primary | | | | |caregiver for children? | |Assign Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Minimum wage |Read newspapers for positions on workplace issues in your |Panel Discussion | |advocate for workers and/or employers? Workplace safety |states. |As a group, identify an American workplace issue. | | |Gender equity |Discuss the role of the government in the workplace. |Describe the range of positions on this issue. | |How do writers define the role of the government|Illegal/Undocumented workers |In your state, how many people are employed by the government? |Should the government intervene? If so, how? If not, | |in the workplace? | | |why not? | | | |Present to the class. | | |Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby |Discus s class conflict and work as a way to move between and |Multi-draft/ peer edit | |How do writers define social class? |Miller Death of a Salesman |among classes. |Select a literary text that deals with class | |How do writers portray class conflict? | | |conflict. | |Miller Tragedy and the Common Man | |Identify the authorââ¬â¢s attitude toward work or social | | | | |class as the defining element of identity. | | |Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |Support with evidence from the text and context. | | | | | | Quarter Three, Part Two: Becoming an advocate for schools and self |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers define education and the role of |Shea et al. |Learn what a mission statement is |One Draft | |schools in our society or community? |Emerson, From Education (103) | |Select a school and locate its mission statement. | | Baldwin, A Talk to Teachers (123) |Visit websites |Analyze the language for what it reveals about the | | |Mori, School (130) |The Common Core |attitude of the institution toward its students, | | | |US Dept. of Education |employees, families and community. | | | |MA Dept. Of Education | | | | |Our School Mission | | | | |College Mission Statement | | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Shea et al. |In your states, identify issues in education. On Demand writing/SBQ | |advocate for stakeholders in school |Conversations: |In particular, look for graduation rates, drop-out rates, |What is the role of the public school in American | |communitiesââ¬âstudents, families, teachers and |Focus on the American High School (150) |bullying, standardized testing, English Language Learning, |society? | |communities? | | | | | | | |What is the responsibility of a community to its | |How do writers define the role of the government| | |public schools? | |in schools? | | | | | | |What is the future of public education in America? | |How does writing identify one as a candidate |College essays |Visit college websites |Multi-draft | |worthy of admission to college? | |Locate college applications, including the common application. |Write a college ess ay. |How does one employ rhetorical strategies in a | |Discuss the role of writer as significant to college | | |college essay? | |application. | | | | |Analyze the college essay prompts; what do they have in common? | | |How does a speechwriter use claims and evidence |Presidential speeches on education |Analyze education speeches for claims and evidence |SPEECH REVISION | |to advocate effectively for public education? Commencement addresses |Focus on subject, occasion, audience, purpose and tone |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference: | | |Convocation speeches | |Revise speech to make clear claims supported by | | |Convention speeches from professional education | |evidence. | | |conferences | |Identify the connection of your topic to formal or | | |College Board 2010 | |informal education. | Quarter Four, Part One: Presenting an argument personally |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer explore and develop an |Shea et al. |Discuss the concerns of the communities to which|Panel discussion | |informed position on issues of local, national |Hedges From The Destruction of Culture (922) |you belong. |Form groups based on common community concerns. | |and international importance? Goldsmith National Prejudices (933) |How are they similar to and different from other|Identify the most pressing concerns of that community. | | |Woolf Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid (935) |communities |State your groupââ¬â¢s position on those issues. | | |Picasso Guernica (975) | |Present to the class. | |Assign memoir, blog or collection of personal essays | |How does a writer make and present a proposal |Lunsford et al. Brainstorm proposals for action within the |Multi-draft essay/ teacher conference | |for a community? |Ch. 12 Making a Proposal |school community. |As an individual or group, write a proposal for some aspect of the | | |Previous action research proposals | |school community. | | | |Research what other school communities have done| | | | |to address similar issues. |Develop an action plan. | | | | | | | | |Select or develop a feedback form | |Why does a writer choose the personal essay over|Lives essays, NYT archive |Identify personal essays / memoir as genres. |On Demand Practice | |the expository essay? |In podcast format: |Discuss how memoir can function as argument. |Alexander, M. ââ¬Å"Fault Lines | |How can a writer use personal experience |NPR, This American Life |Analyze the implied argument in individual |Mairs, N. ââ¬Å" On Being a Crippleâ⬠| |persuasively? | |experience. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | | |Multi-draft essay/self-edit | | | | |Write a Lives Essay or record a segment in the format of This | | | | |American Life | |Assign search for video/transcript of speeches | |How does a writer educa te an audience through |Kingston Woman Warrior |Analyze the implied argument in the individual |Multi-draft essay/peer edit | |memoir? |Mathabane Kaffir Boy |experience |Read and analyze a memoir or collection of personal essays. | |How can a reader gain perspective on an issue |Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings |Explore issues of immigration, bilingualism, |Respond to the text as an argument, evaluating its claims and taking| |through memoir? |Wiesel Night |feminism, apartheid, poverty, abuse of power |a position on one of its issues. | |Various memoirs such as | | | | |McCourt, Angelaââ¬â¢s Ashes | | | | |MacDonald, All Souls | | | | |Beah, A Long Way Home | | | Quarter Four, Part Two: Presenting an argument to the community Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer prepare for a presentation? |Final Exam Speeches |Discussion of speeches for performance |SPEECH REVISION | | | |strategies |Dress rehearsal for your final speech. | | |Video of famous speeches |Practice use of various visuals: handouts, |Incorporate required visuals. | |(to be determined) |charts, overheads, PowerPoints, props and |Develop a feedback form for your audience. | | | |gestures. |Revise speech by incorporating peer and teacher feedback. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | |Review evaluative rubrics for feedback. | | | | |Multiple drafts/self-edit: | | | How to cite Recomendation of an English Teacher, Essay examples
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